The life of faith is filled with unique ages and stages; highs and lows. Below you’ll find some of the markers on that journey of faith. If you have any questions about any of these life points or more please contact us.
Water baptism is a powerful symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It serves as an outward demonstration and public declaration of our belief that Jesus is King.
Baby Dedication:
Baby Dedication is a public commitment by families to raise a child in the way of Jesus. It’s a wonderful moment to stand together as a wider community and celebrate the gift of every child.
Getting Married at Riverview:
At Riverview Church, we consider it a pleasure and a privilege to play a part in helping you prepare for your wedding day. Assistance may take the form of a Riverview Minister conducting the ceremony and/or facilitating the Pre-marriage program, Prepare/Enrich.
A Riverview Church minister will assist you in planning and preparing for your wedding ceremony and more importantly, your marriage, giving your relationship, as husband and wife, the best possible start.
Prepare Enrich:
Prepare Enrich is an internationally recognised Pre-marriage course and is a valuable resource that identifies both strengths and growth areas in your relationship that gives you the skills to enhance your relationship.
There are qualified facilitators at Riverview Church that run this course.
Counselling and Pastoral Supervision at Riverview:
Riverview Church has an onsite counsellor offering professional counselling through the Anchorage Collective. Speciality areas include individual counselling, pre-marriage and marriage counselling, grief and loss counselling, parent support and family therapy.
Pastoral Supervision is a place provided for ministry reflection to grow in self-awareness, ministry competence and theological understanding enabling you to further develop your practice. Speciality areas include School Chaplaincy and Aged Care Chaplaincy.
Contact Sheryll Flynn at [email protected]
(Member of CCAA Register No. 600726, PACFA Register No. 27930)
EXTERNAL Care Resources
Spiritual Direction:
The Anchorage Collective
The Dayspring Community
Mental Health Support:
Beyond Blue
Helping Minds
Financial Support:
Services Australia
Emergency Hotlines
Community Resources
in Perth
Riverview Community Services (more info):
Asylum Seeker Hub
Community Visitors Scheme
Local Community Services:
Local Foodbanks
Local Emergency Accommodation
Crisis Care
Local AA Groups
Grief Share
Celebrate Recovery
Pregnancy Loss & Support
PractitioNers known to Riverview
Sheryll Flynn - The Anchorage
Dr. David Michie - Journeylines Counselling
Narelle Whitfield - Perth Counselling Service
Owen Robinson - MoreHope
Lipika Ghose - Arise Counselling
Carolyn Wesley - Wesley Counselling
Rochelle Masters - Masters Psychology
Christian Gill - Christian Gill
Mark Webb - InsideOut Psychology
Tim Brand - Brooks Psychology