Give to Riverview
Ways to Give:
Regular Giving
Account Name: Riverview Church
BSB: 066-163
Account Number: 10243724
Credit Card:
Use Tithe.ly to give via Credit Card or Direct Debit. You can also set up Direct giving through the Church Center App.
In Person:
You can give easily any time you’re at Riverview by dropping your giving in the marked giving boxes.
Types of giving:
We believe that honouring God with our finances is an essential part of following Jesus. This includes giving generously to our faith community as an expression of our commitment to one another and our dependency on God. Contributing to the vision of our church and the needs of our community is a personal and practical way of showing our love for both God and each other.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting the mission of Riverview Church. Giving to Riverview Church is generally not tax deductible.
Giving to Riverview Burswood (Non Tax-Deductible)
Click Here to Give
Account Name: Riverview Burswood
BSB: 066-163
Account Number: 1024 3724 -
The Riverview Trust supports mission and enables the work of Riverview Community Services and Riverview Media
Riverview Community Services is the missional care arm of Riverview Church. Through a number of different local and international partnerships, we provide practical support and care.
Riverview Media, reaches thousands of people every week with the message of Jesus through digital downloads and Facebook live streaming enabled by a volunteer team specialising in the digital arts.
Giving above $2 to the Riverview Trust is tax-deductible. Tax Receipts will be provided via email early July.
Giving to Riverview Trust is Tax-Deductible
Click Here to Give
Giving by EFT to the Riverview Trust requires a FULL NAME to enable us to send you a tax receipt at the end of the financial year.
Account Name: Riverview Trust
BSB: 066-163
Account Number: 1035 0255
Reference: FULL NAME -
It’s time to finish the renovation! This final stage will provide new purpose built facilities for our Riverview Kids, Discipleship, Life Courses, and Riverview College students to better engage in learning about God. The current facilities are uncomfortable and unattractive and do not communicate the value we ascribe to engaging spaces.
The upgrade to the facilities will also enable us to open our doors wider to the local community and provide new mid-week initiatives for both adults and children. With your generous giving, we can leave the future generations a heritage of faith, finance and facilities that will set them up to reach our city for Christ even more than we have been able to accomplish
We are believing God, that together we can raise over 3 million dollars in the next 2 years, which would ensure the renovation at Burswood proceeds with minimal additional debt passed on to the generations to come.
We are simply asking every adult who calls Riverview Church home to be part of the Building Project by giving $2 per day over and above their regular giving for the next two years to help us extend our home and widen our welcome.
Giving to the Building Project Burswood is Tax-Deductible
Giving by EFT to the Building Project Burswood requires a FULL NAME to enable us to send you a tax receipt at the end of the financial year.
Account Name: Riverview College Building Fund
BSB: 066-163
Account Number: 1069 9211
Reference: FULL NAME